Fragmented health systems in COVID-19: rectifying the misalignment between global health security and universal health coverage



The COVID-19 pandemic has placed enormous strain on countries around the world, exposing long-standing gaps in public health and exacerbating chronic inequities. Although research analyses have attempted to draw important lessons how strengthen preparedness response, few examined effect that fragmented governance for had effectively mitigating crisis. By assessing ability of systems manage from perspective two key approaches global policy—global security universal coverage—important can be drawn align varied priorities objectives strengthening systems. This Health Policy paper compares three types (ie, with stronger investments security, coverage, integrated coverage) their response ongoing synthesises four essential recommendations integration, financing, resilience, equity) reimagine governance, policies, better towards a more sustainable future. National responses greatly, swift proactive at best haphazard negligent worst. That managed differently is expected, but pushed all limits, severe infrastructure, even nations once lauded as gold standard readiness.1Dalglish SL gives lie expertise.Lancet. 2020; 3951189Summary Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (111) Google Scholar, 2Razavi A Erondu N Okereke E Global Security Index: what value does it add?.BMJ Glob Health. 5e002477Crossref (40) Scholar much been discussed about could prepared, these largely missed focus resulting silos financing vertical funding streams single disease categories, independence tertiary care primary care, differences domestic vs priorities) continue hamper efforts. Analysing spread (GHS) coverage (UHC) offers useful opportunity uncover blind spots fostering health-system resilience moving forward. In this paper, we seek understand are heavily influenced by either GHS or UHC policies initially fared shock pandemic, conclude redesign centred preventing, detecting, responding threats, particularly protecting people societies worldwide infectious threats.3Heymann DL Chen L Takemi K et al.Global security: wider west African Ebola virus epidemic.Lancet. 2015; 385: 1884-1901Summary (311) Underpinned International Regulations (IHRs), guides development core capacities surveillance, risk communication, coordination) crucially not address health-care (PHC) functions, including curative services, patient management, capacity clinical surges.4Erondu NA Martin J Marten R Ooms G Yates Heymann Building case embedding into coverage: proposal unified system includes health.Lancet. 2018; 392: 1482-1486Summary (35) Meanwhile, depends access comprehensive, appropriate, timely, quality without financial burden.5Wenham C Katz Birungi marriage convenience strategic, effective partnership.BMJ 2019; 4e001145Crossref (28) enables PHC improves accessibility practice there tendency interventions neglect threats inadequately while focusing insurance individual services.4Erondu WHO highly prioritises both UHC, major areas work emergencies UHC.6WHOThirteenth general programme 2019–2023. May 25, 2018Date accessed: April 16, 2020Google agendas principle imminently convergent inputs strong system, scarce resources political realities force policy makers make tough choices, usually prioritising one agenda over other. For example, investing different might justified selecting distinct, often potentially expedient, targets favour within UN Sustainable Development Goals.7Ooms Ottersen T Jahn Agyepong IA Addressing fragmentation health: Lancet Commission synergies between promotion.Lancet. 1098-1099Summary (26) “high-wire act”8Patnaik P Q&A: WHO'S Mike Ryan crisis prepare coronavirus epidemic. inadequate international pressures means forced “choose whether increase lab nurses available consultations”.4Erondu consequences imbalance were exemplified during 2014–16 outbreak Africa, which died untreated malaria than due reduced services overburdened systems.4Erondu promotion begun examining intersections corresponding agendas.7Ooms crucial initial assessment advance further our understanding health, noting contexts changing needed definitive conclusions. Despite USA receiving top ratings Index, has, date, reported world's highest number cases deaths.1Dalglish 9WHOJoint external evaluation IHR United States America: mission report, June 2016. World Organization, Geneva2017 19, country an impressive array private laboratories, innovative pharmaceutical technology companies, national institute high capacity, ultimately relies greatly system.10Tromberg BJ Schwetz TA Pérez-Stable EJ al.Rapid scaling up Covid-19 diagnostic testing States—the NIH RADx initiative.N Engl Med. 383: 1071-1077Crossref (130) Each state funds operates its own nation reluctant build publicly funded.11Malâtre-Lansac Schneider How unveiling US healthcare weaknesses. Institut Montaigne, Paris2020 12Lal Ashworth HC Dada S Hoemeke Tambo Optimizing systems: learned COVID-19.Disaster Med Public Prep. (published online Oct 2.) (25) absence clear coordination, so far hindered country's accurately estimate forecast COVID-19, delayed activities, contact tracing.10Tromberg Additionally, scarcity centralised led misuse underuse human resources.13Marwaha Halamka JD Brat Lifesaving ventilators will sit unused data-sharing effort. 4, 2020Date July 28, Finally, rates underinsurance disincentivise use discourage citizens seeking emergency leading diseases, reducing syndromic undermining overall trust services; thus accelerating COVID-19. most prominent examples, showing reliance traditional provide accurate readiness account incoherent coordination economy emergencies.1Dalglish An examination several Africa similarly suggests overconcentration efforts pivots neglected. region monolithic, share proclivity competencies perennial outbreaks developed through initiatives donor priorities.14El-Sadr WM Justman path COVID-19.N e11Crossref (128) 15Dzinamarira Dzobo M Chitungo I COVID-19: Africa's response.J Virol. 11.) (55) 16Holmes Boyce starting scratch COVID-19. Feb 27, 17, 44 completed Joint External Evaluation, reflecting prioritisation following high-profile outbreaks, such virus. priority reflected rapid COVID-19.17WHOWHO region: JEE reports. Geneva2020Google late April, 2020, Nigeria Centre Disease Control followed 98% contacts confirmed cases, leveraging 50 000 community informants originally established polio detection.18Nigeria Centers PreventionNCDC microsite. 19Nigeria PreventionCOVID-19 situation report 48. 20Banda Nigeria's infrastructure bolster response. Centres Prevention, 2017 Union partners, continues support member states guidance documents, training, test kits, improved laboratory confirm cases. progress rapidly increased across continent.21WHO Regional Office AfricaCoronavirus (COVID-19). With caseloads looming, many face multiple challenges controlling virus, especially light societal realities, large populations who earn informal daily wage, densely populated settlements, transitory migrant workers. These interventions, physical distancing, inappropriate unsustainable. only 55 having reached 15% commitment, was set Abuja Declaration 2001, spending still low critical-care capacities, beds intensive units, exceedingly scarce; boosting functions likely too late.22World Bank GroupUniversal Africa: framework action: main report. Group, Washington, DC2016Google 23Kavanagh MM Tomori O al.Access lifesaving medical countries: ethics, politics.Lancet. 395: 1735-1738Summary (98) 24Wood Why hit hardest. 10, 18, 25Huang 10,000 500 deaths officials say it's just beginning. 8, Furthermore, driven donors portions majority HIV Zimbabwe, cuts assistance destabilise downstream supported siloed systems.26Oladele TT Olakunde BO Oladele EA Ogbuoji Yamey Nigeria: call measures.BMJ 5e002718Crossref also struggled if they did cohesively implement robust measures. Italy Lombardy province Europe's wealthiest areas) disproportionately affected COVID-19.27Pisano GP Sadun Zanini Lessons Italy's coronavirus. March Inadequate prevented left workers unprotected.27Pisano 28Armocida B Formenti Ussai Palestra F Missoni Italian challenge.Lancet 5: e253Summary (343) providing individuals, sidelined based community, mitigated effects outbreak.27Pisano UK, despite appearing rank Index offering widespread act quickly ensure Service meet demand.29Wenham Modelling tell us much: politics explains rest.Lancet. 3951335Summary 30The LancetCOVID-19: little, late?.Lancet. 755Summary (117) 31Herszenhorn DM Wheaton Europe failed test. 7, struggle poor integration leadership surveillance via tracing testing, well factor indicators preparedness.29Wenham 50% decrease admissions hospital accident departments heart attacks unreported illnesses, communication engagement.32Bakker Lives drop attack A&E attendances. content~t2020-753&utm_medium=social-organic&utm_source=Twitter&utm_content=&utm_term=Date: 9, UK Spain early building necessary stockpiling personal protective equipment, reassuring prepared.30The 33Giugliano Spain's tragedy predictable. 6, Where aligned strategies properly documented assessments, world leaders danger overconfidence existing systems, collective complacency politicisation crises.2Razavi 34The learning experience.Lancet. 3951011Summary (101) mutually exclusive, tend practice. Thus far, closely frameworks generally equipped recover after compared frameworks, cope long term. Importantly, successfully COVID-19.35WHO Western PacificRole response. Organization Pacific, Manila2020 36Primary Care Performance InitiativePrimary COVID-19. Veneto province, Italy, leveraged applying historical expertise control diseases. transmission, substantially other regions specifically Lombardy. difference measures, extensive screening, home diagnosis front-line workers, decreased privatised decentralised centres.27Pisano Taiwan, Vietnam, Hong Kong, South Korea, Thailand instituted strict distancing communications, roots ensured date.37Hsu LY Tan M-H What Singapore teach COVID-19. 23, Taiwan's 99·9% enabled comprehensive epidemic prevention, data, information platforms, safety nets vulnerable populations.12Lal 38Tu C-C experience COVID-19. Advancements helped Vietnam safeguard government–citizen cooperation foster culture where mass improbable.39Nguyen HK Vietnam's low-cost strategy. diagnostics, physicians trained no-cost treatment.37Hsu 40Legido-Quigley H Asgari Teo YY al.Are high-performing resilient against epidemic?.Lancet. 848-850Summary (296) Kerala, India, 30 engaged detection, expansive tracing, engagement.41Masih Aggressive cooked meals: Indian Kerala flattened curve. 14, To complement engagement, Kerala's commitment broad social protection education included temporary shelters stranded meals need, internet advanced pensions.41Masih Costa Rica praised lowest fatality Americas, attributable leaders, institutional organisations.42UN Resident Coordinator5 reasons winning plaudits fighting resident coordinator's blog. 24, shows underfunded worldwide. It's time radically reimagined approach health. Gostin Friedman argued “robust 21st century WHO, compliance, would transform system”.43Gostin LO retrospective prospective analysis epidemic: foundation empowered apex.Lancet. 1902-1909Summary (144) Drawing annual reports Preparedness Monitoring Board, IHRs) should funded rooted inclusive continuous before, during, outbreaks.4Erondu 44Global BoardA disorder. Sept 45Global risk. Sept, 2019Date commitments declaration High-Level Meeting Universal Coverage, expand include multisectoral, multistakeholder, activities levels maintaining routine addressing determinants health.4Erondu 46UHC2030Political UHC. Further benefits diverse decision making, demand facilitate poverty, locally accessible enhanced trust, collaboration compliance state-led interventions.3Heymann 4Erondu 5Wenham 47Bali Dhatt Lal Jama Van Daalen Sridhar D Off back burner: gender-inclusive decision-making recovery.BMJ 5e002595Crossref (37) Incorporating vision Healthier Societies Healthy Populations Group evolve enable stay healthy) ensures accompanying economic welfare enhancing strategies.48Healthier GroupHealthier healthy populations.Lancet. 1747-1749Summary (12) Notably, being since seen spike originating pre-existing overcrowded dormitories housing workers.49Beaubien shining star control—until wasn't. 3, emphasises costly overlooking marginalised communities, signalling that, careful consideration socioeconomic measures groups susceptible disproportionate inequity, clusters inevitable. tying employment unemployment escalate pandemic. recognition importance tackling some extended homeless communities deemed psychosocial facilities women's services.50Office Governor Gavin NewsomCalifornia takes action combat COVID-19. 51Maryland Coalition Against Sexual AssaultUpdates & COVID-19. breaking cycle panic neglect, sustained GHS, unlikely, re-envisioning solidarity action, societies, forward programmes protection, cost-effective PHC, leadership, adequate guarantee all, fragile housing, susceptible.47Bali 52Reynolds Opinion: keeping promise—time move declarations deeds UHC. Dec 12, 53Pai Can post-pandemic world?. recovery fallout fear push isolationist favouring quick fixes illusion security. Donors advocates wary overly securitised neoliberal solutions restricted instead backing truly universal, financed, country-owned promote equity upstream leave no-one behind.52Reynolds 54McBride Hawkes Buse Soft power goals (SDGs) era G7, G20 BRICS.BMC 19: 815Crossref (27) expanded implementation embedded delivered along recommendations: equity. Because “lack interconnectivity”, experts “self-protecting silos” specialties, sometimes purposefully kept distinct prioritise area another.55Sturmberg JP Tsasis COVID-19—an thinking.Int Manag. 20.) (23) Subsequently, institutions unifying monumental challenge. However, offer insights possible. Both mitigate risk, obligate realise right overlap workforce, medicines, protection.5Wenham It understood skills reinforcing; exists re-examine obvious areas, fortifying surge workforce connection prevention delivery integrating health-information networks databases.4Erondu 56Kluge Martín-Moreno JM Emiroglu al.Strengthening requirements systems.BMJ 3e000656Crossref (68) track record Ireland, implementing UHC-style federal universally free. actions suggest embrace reforms sufficiently funded.57Yates Let's emerge systems. reflects conceptual portrays cyclical relationship pattern hold true low-income, middle-income, high-income countries.58WHOHealth strengthening—an approach. Geneva2016Google

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عنوان ژورنال: The Lancet

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['1474-547X', '0099-5355', '0140-6736']